12678 rank

275,923 points

397 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cadmus 1268 the Hawk   
Houndsmoor 14806 Cadmus 1268 the Hawk 299,696 467
Cadmus 1268 the Hawk   
Tuulech 12678 Cadmus 1268 the Hawk 275,923 397
Cadmus 1268 the Hawk   
Noarsil 13131 Cadmus 1268 the Hawk 271,883 431
Cadmus 1268 the Hawk   
Korch 13793 Cadmus 1268 the Hawk 271,868 508
Cadmus 1268 the Hawk   
Carthage 7138 Cadmus 1268 the Hawk 251,921 433