6312 rank

7,441,303 points

1,990 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vets44    Armonia
Jaims 5911 Vets44 Armonia 11,357,283 2,212
Vets44    Passing Time
Tuulech 6312 Vets44 Passing Time 7,441,303 1,990
Vets44    Knight Walkers
Yorkton 6568 Vets44 Knight Walkers 6,276,346 1,745
Vets44    The Straw Hat Crew.
Langendorn 7221 Vets44 The Straw Hat Crew. 5,408,401 1,452
Vets44    poopbut
Fel Dranghyr 7699 Vets44 poopbut 5,232,966 1,624
Vets44    Everyone Welcome
Brisgard 9143 Vets44 Everyone Welcome 4,590,163 1,283