7203 rank

4,357,117 points

1,901 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
SNAKESPEAR    Victorious Royals
Xyr 6225 SNAKESPEAR Victorious Royals 9,696,584 2,924
Dunarsund 8306 SNAKESPEAR Live Oak 5,246,342 2,330
SNAKESPEAR    Natural Born Killers
Houndsmoor 8445 SNAKESPEAR Natural Born Killers 4,514,726 2,149
SNAKESPEAR    Natural Born Killers
Tuulech 7203 SNAKESPEAR Natural Born Killers 4,357,117 1,901
SNAKESPEAR    Rivenzale
Yorkton 7606 SNAKESPEAR Rivenzale 3,625,340 1,841
SNAKESPEAR    Tidewater
Parkog 8264 SNAKESPEAR Tidewater 2,261,653 1,825
SNAKESPEAR    The Soloists Guild
Korch 17336 SNAKESPEAR The Soloists Guild 50,014 102