5194 rank

12,864,293 points

8,130 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ahsoka no Jedi    Lady of the Lake
Houndsmoor 430 Ahsoka no Jedi Lady of the Lake 656,028,764 208,839
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Arvahall 3206 Ahsoka no Jedi 77,844,565 50,006
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Greifental 2679 Ahsoka no Jedi 73,590,094 27,134
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Langendorn 2689 Ahsoka no Jedi 65,319,393 23,310
Ahsoka no Jedi    Pegasus Rising
Mount Killmore 3578 Ahsoka no Jedi Pegasus Rising 45,233,605 59,428
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Rugnir 3973 Ahsoka no Jedi 27,212,152 8,671
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Qunrir 4469 Ahsoka no Jedi 21,818,687 7,958
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Xyr 4405 Ahsoka no Jedi 21,516,760 6,897
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Vingrid 4518 Ahsoka no Jedi 19,916,073 6,807
Ahsoka no Jedi   
Tuulech 5194 Ahsoka no Jedi 12,864,293 8,130
Ahsoka no Jedi    Twin Suns
Brisgard 7540 Ahsoka no Jedi Twin Suns 8,403,883 5,388