2309 rank

86,659,239 points

177,341 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
William of Wales    FoE-Rengi Alliance
Arvahall 818 William of Wales FoE-Rengi Alliance 545,337,302 454,340
William of Wales    Hounds of Moor
Houndsmoor 2572 William of Wales Hounds of Moor 90,762,998 106,160
William of Wales    The Huns
Tuulech 2309 William of Wales The Huns 86,659,239 177,341
William of Wales    🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️
Fel Dranghyr 2656 William of Wales 🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️ 84,887,429 131,178
William of Wales    Shadows of Killmore
Mount Killmore 2683 William of Wales Shadows of Killmore 83,510,027 128,934