14665 rank

90,335 points

288 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Agatha 554 the Vengeful    XANTHIANS
Odhrorvar 2287 Agatha 554 the Vengeful XANTHIANS 89,906,651 15,803
Agatha 554 the Vengeful   
Langendorn 2413 Agatha 554 the Vengeful 82,299,807 14,476
Agatha 554 the Vengeful   
Jaims 2501 Agatha 554 the Vengeful 79,575,545 14,422
Agatha 554 the Vengeful   
Walstrand 2222 Agatha 554 the Vengeful 79,282,685 14,115
Agatha 554 the Vengeful    Horn of plenty
Tuulech 14665 Agatha 554 the Vengeful Horn of plenty 90,335 288
Agatha 554 the Vengeful    Silverpine Forest
Greifental 17887 Agatha 554 the Vengeful Silverpine Forest 40,697 251