5179 rank

14,014,071 points

4,809 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dizzy the Sailor Man   
Dunarsund 114 Dizzy the Sailor Man 2,139,813,647 436,587
Dizzy the Sailor Man   
East-Nagach 4021 Dizzy the Sailor Man 40,170,155 15,410
Dizzy the Sailor Man   
Odhrorvar 4147 Dizzy the Sailor Man 27,855,253 8,093
Dizzy the Sailor Man    An Oar
Fel Dranghyr 4674 Dizzy the Sailor Man An Oar 24,658,559 6,196
Dizzy the Sailor Man    Prince Of Underworld
Mount Killmore 5061 Dizzy the Sailor Man Prince Of Underworld 23,250,493 5,792
Dizzy the Sailor Man   
Uceria 4598 Dizzy the Sailor Man 21,602,835 5,903
Dizzy the Sailor Man    Tuuling Around
Tuulech 5179 Dizzy the Sailor Man Tuuling Around 14,014,071 4,809
Dizzy the Sailor Man    Donner, Party of One
Xyr 7442 Dizzy the Sailor Man Donner, Party of One 5,566,470 6,083
Dizzy the Sailor Man    Parked Here
Parkog 7145 Dizzy the Sailor Man Parked Here 4,628,285 2,992