5944 rank

17,498,670 points

4,217 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lulu the Bootwearer   
Brisgard 5944 Lulu the Bootwearer 17,498,670 4,217
Lulu the Bootwearer   
Houndsmoor 6038 Lulu the Bootwearer 13,914,528 3,644
Lulu the Bootwearer   
Arvahall 7363 Lulu the Bootwearer 13,204,855 3,557
Lulu the Bootwearer   
Yorkton 7620 Lulu the Bootwearer 3,603,839 3,583
Lulu the Bootwearer   
Mount Killmore 11533 Lulu the Bootwearer 1,119,646 545