11656 rank

1,438,523 points

1,963 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Adelaide the Proud    GøDs Of WaR°
Angkor 8238 Adelaide the Proud GøDs Of WaR° 1,795,542 2,286
Adelaide the Proud    Ghosts of Winterfell
Cirgard 10122 Adelaide the Proud Ghosts of Winterfell 1,792,714 2,246
Adelaide the Proud    NoFIGHTjustBUILD
Brisgard 11656 Adelaide the Proud NoFIGHTjustBUILD 1,438,523 1,963
Adelaide the Proud    The Uprising
Houndsmoor 10773 Adelaide the Proud The Uprising 1,373,375 1,726
Adelaide the Proud    Team Israel
Odhrorvar 9296 Adelaide the Proud Team Israel 1,302,979 1,704
Adelaide the Proud    Storm Giants
Dunarsund 11979 Adelaide the Proud Storm Giants 897,632 1,417
Adelaide the Proud    Free trades guild
Mount Killmore 12848 Adelaide the Proud Free trades guild 663,341 1,149
Adelaide the Proud    The Pirate Queen
Arvahall 17782 Adelaide the Proud The Pirate Queen 275,614 703
Adelaide the Proud    The Moirai
Fel Dranghyr 14156 Adelaide the Proud The Moirai 236,041 570
Adelaide the Proud   
Greifental 14057 Adelaide the Proud 206,885 577
Adelaide the Proud   
East-Nagach 15052 Adelaide the Proud 196,375 506
Adelaide the Proud    Fun Just Fun
Zorskog 13275 Adelaide the Proud Fun Just Fun 176,289 299