12998 rank

859,931 points

760 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Veddie the Edder    Dawn Traders Guild
Arvahall 6591 Veddie the Edder Dawn Traders Guild 17,913,363 2,554
Veddie the Edder    Live And Let Live
Jaims 10126 Veddie the Edder Live And Let Live 1,153,390 822
Veddie the Edder    Vallace
Vingrid 9889 Veddie the Edder Vallace 1,107,522 754
Veddie the Edder   
Brisgard 12998 Veddie the Edder 859,931 760
Veddie the Edder    Minutemen
Walstrand 9793 Veddie the Edder Minutemen 830,288 731