7426 rank

9,498,148 points

11,090 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Apex The Predator    The True North
Walstrand 1159 Apex The Predator The True North 218,944,277 118,155
Apex The Predator    The Militia
Qunrir 2039 Apex The Predator The Militia 117,074,244 55,098
Apex The Predator    Karma Police
Dunarsund 2536 Apex The Predator Karma Police 101,451,499 43,199
Apex The Predator    The Militia
Arvahall 3135 Apex The Predator The Militia 90,470,774 44,194
Apex The Predator    Death to the WEF
Brisgard 7426 Apex The Predator Death to the WEF 9,498,148 11,090