11923 rank

1,220,224 points

2,002 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
willfull wombat   
Rugnir 979 willfull wombat 226,505,040 124,213
willfull wombat    Ghost Ship
Tuulech 6269 willfull wombat Ghost Ship 6,507,548 4,182
willfull wombat    🎆 Fireworks Up 🎇
Walstrand 6115 willfull wombat 🎆 Fireworks Up 🎇 6,443,451 9,608
willfull wombat    The 13 Knights
Brisgard 11923 willfull wombat The 13 Knights 1,220,224 2,002
willfull wombat   
Mount Killmore 13262 willfull wombat 612,221 1,292
willfull wombat   
Korch 13457 willfull wombat 308,166 614