12121 rank

1,209,199 points

1,294 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tonyatomic    Warblade
Brisgard 12121 tonyatomic Warblade 1,209,199 1,294
tonyatomic    "Oh Well 3"
Cirgard 11551 tonyatomic "Oh Well 3" 933,081 1,116
tonyatomic    Viking Gold
Greifental 10922 tonyatomic Viking Gold 884,665 973
tonyatomic    A.P.O.
Uceria 10705 tonyatomic A.P.O. 725,910 726
tonyatomic    The Empire of RNIA
Houndsmoor 12259 tonyatomic The Empire of RNIA 720,502 951
tonyatomic    Stoner Nation
Qunrir 10630 tonyatomic Stoner Nation 697,624 809
tonyatomic    Camelot
Sinerania 11062 tonyatomic Camelot 541,139 682
tonyatomic    Rebels
Langendorn 11471 tonyatomic Rebels 516,258 776