11509 rank

1,553,865 points

1,281 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
KJ the Butcher    Get off my land
Fel Dranghyr 707 KJ the Butcher Get off my land 515,447,088 195,546
KJ the Butcher    Farmer's Guild
Greifental 9688 KJ the Butcher Farmer's Guild 1,632,679 1,198
KJ the Butcher    the 3 Slacker's
Brisgard 11509 KJ the Butcher the 3 Slacker's 1,553,865 1,281
KJ the Butcher    Old ExKings
Arvahall 14394 KJ the Butcher Old ExKings 855,238 1,096
KJ the Butcher    Cyber Dogs
Cirgard 12554 KJ the Butcher Cyber Dogs 647,721 1,147
KJ the Butcher   
Houndsmoor 14491 KJ the Butcher 301,542 636
KJ the Butcher    Heat
Langendorn 13633 KJ the Butcher Heat 183,740 195
KJ the Butcher   
Dunarsund 16311 KJ the Butcher 158,086 201
KJ the Butcher   
Qunrir 14319 KJ the Butcher 121,273 227
KJ the Butcher    Forsaken Embers
Korch 15471 KJ the Butcher Forsaken Embers 107,011 187
KJ the Butcher    Acadien
Mount Killmore 18029 KJ the Butcher Acadien 97,179 146