8590 rank

4,928,969 points

955 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kenlic    TheVanguard Of Peace
East-Nagach 3000 Kenlic TheVanguard Of Peace 57,210,827 5,455
Kenlic    The Shadow Union
Noarsil 3079 Kenlic The Shadow Union 45,329,000 4,199
Kenlic    Knights
Parkog 4672 Kenlic Knights 16,256,667 3,063
Kenlic    Helping hand
Vingrid 5242 Kenlic Helping hand 11,956,549 2,515
Kenlic    Our House
Mount Killmore 6836 Kenlic Our House 8,654,804 1,759
Kenlic    Fire and Ice
Brisgard 8590 Kenlic Fire and Ice 4,928,969 955