4938 rank

28,631,773 points

9,231 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The High Jackel    English Phoenix
Cirgard 4132 The High Jackel English Phoenix 35,649,286 7,097
The High Jackel    The Donut Shoppe
Yorkton 3591 The High Jackel The Donut Shoppe 32,606,339 13,529
The High Jackel    Rosie's Bar
Brisgard 4938 The High Jackel Rosie's Bar 28,631,773 9,231
The High Jackel    The Shadow Rangers
Arvahall 5706 The High Jackel The Shadow Rangers 26,865,848 12,104
The High Jackel    Band of Misfits
Sinerania 4609 The High Jackel Band of Misfits 19,900,041 6,328
The High Jackel    The Donut Shoppe
Xyr 8354 The High Jackel The Donut Shoppe 3,587,157 4,630