9093 rank

4,371,434 points

1,326 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wesg    Skyhold
Arvahall 8614 wesg Skyhold 7,531,430 1,556
wesg    funtime
Brisgard 9093 wesg funtime 4,371,434 1,326
wesg    Knights of bloodoath
Cirgard 8940 wesg Knights of bloodoath 3,132,050 1,171
wesg    United We Stand
Dunarsund 16543 wesg United We Stand 155,285 116
wesg    Roadkill
Fel Dranghyr 16159 wesg Roadkill 109,077 152
wesg    Wampajacks
East-Nagach 17334 wesg Wampajacks 79,768 69
wesg    Euphoria
Greifental 16392 wesg Euphoria 77,722 100
wesg    The Shire
Langendorn 16790 wesg The Shire 50,409 83
wesg    mandragon's peeps
Houndsmoor 19229 wesg mandragon's peeps 47,267 96
wesg    rip Freedom Fighters
Jaims 19374 wesg rip Freedom Fighters 22,425 60