1016 rank

329,556,268 points

76,040 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Xorev    Ancora
Houndsmoor 41 Xorev Ancora 2,802,112,133 611,445
Xorev    🦁The PRIDE🦁
Fel Dranghyr 881 Xorev 🦁The PRIDE🦁 397,064,304 50,255
Xorev    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 896 Xorev The Iron Alliance 347,731,555 41,824
Xorev    SyRaiders
Qunrir 947 Xorev SyRaiders 330,035,804 98,327
Xorev    The Collective
Brisgard 1016 Xorev The Collective 329,556,268 76,040
Xorev    House Mondegreen
Greifental 1034 Xorev House Mondegreen 319,185,983 41,547
Xorev    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 1149 Xorev 🛰 firefly 277,726,187 29,858
Xorev    Camelot
Odhrorvar 1096 Xorev Camelot 270,597,611 30,335
Xorev    The Fifth Column
Parkog 1039 Xorev The Fifth Column 262,191,111 29,705
Xorev    Southern Seas
Xyr 1465 Xorev Southern Seas 152,026,634 40,012
Xorev    REDE〽️PTION⚔️
Birka 1032 Xorev REDE〽️PTION⚔️ 109,968,467 75,364
Xorev    Defiance
Uceria 2069 Xorev Defiance 108,129,937 34,325
Xorev    Tartaros
Carthage 987 Xorev Tartaros 52,299,091 63,186