14112 rank

555,835 points

356 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Rugnir 3063 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 53,735,705 28,017
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Greifental 4935 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 21,288,404 14,690
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Arvahall 6689 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 17,177,978 7,493
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver    Elysium
Uceria 6155 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver Elysium 9,406,098 4,929
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Xyr 7746 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 4,804,786 2,096
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Jaims 8629 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 2,631,382 947
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Angkor 7648 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 2,453,965 640
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Birka 6932 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 1,058,059 831
Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver   
Brisgard 14112 Alexa 1034 the Lawgiver 555,835 356