21920 rank

30,632 points

57 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Agatha the shy 636    Flying ducks
Qunrir 2015 Agatha the shy 636 Flying ducks 122,646,324 26,917
Agatha the shy 636    Inactive
Carthage 6097 Agatha the shy 636 Inactive 730,345 884
Agatha the shy 636    Drunky goosy
Dilmun 5101 Agatha the shy 636 Drunky goosy 386,491 533
Agatha the shy 636    Jasper
Jaims 14118 Agatha the shy 636 Jasper 198,494 273
Agatha the shy 636    Events
Zorskog 16756 Agatha the shy 636 Events 39,579 64
Agatha the shy 636    Events
Greifental 18131 Agatha the shy 636 Events 33,160 99
Agatha the shy 636   
Brisgard 21920 Agatha the shy 636 30,632 57