32 rank

3,022,292,385 points

734,748 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
YouAreNumber6    Pints to Ponder 🍻
Brisgard 32 YouAreNumber6 Pints to Ponder 🍻 3,022,292,385 734,748
YouAreNumber6    Swords and Shields
Dilmun 59 YouAreNumber6 Swords and Shields 703,489,383 219,432
YouAreNumber6    2Good2BTrue
Vingrid 993 YouAreNumber6 2Good2BTrue 320,092,398 78,497
YouAreNumber6    Lion’s Claw Alliance
Cirgard 1649 YouAreNumber6 Lion’s Claw Alliance 180,292,229 81,793
YouAreNumber6    OLD NORSE GODS
Uceria 4423 YouAreNumber6 OLD NORSE GODS 23,226,080 819
YouAreNumber6    asdf
Noarsil 5323 YouAreNumber6 asdf 14,406,054 5,729
YouAreNumber6    Council of Elrond #2
Qunrir 9237 YouAreNumber6 Council of Elrond #2 1,462,423 546
YouAreNumber6    Meandi
Xyr 10347 YouAreNumber6 Meandi 1,339,799 159
YouAreNumber6    lucyinthesky
Walstrand 8971 YouAreNumber6 lucyinthesky 1,267,498 312
YouAreNumber6    The Celtic Warriors
Birka 7926 YouAreNumber6 The Celtic Warriors 608,461 227
YouAreNumber6    Asdf
Carthage 13659 YouAreNumber6 Asdf 21,066 35