13492 rank

728,473 points

72 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
KeenWise    #GoodsForAllAges
Angkor 352 KeenWise #GoodsForAllAges 697,629,772 163,559
KeenWise    Espiritu Pugnae
Birka 680 KeenWise Espiritu Pugnae 202,751,634 109,814
KeenWise    Not a real guild.
Carthage 2067 KeenWise Not a real guild. 16,361,978 23,651
KeenWise    Not a real guild.
Dilmun 3478 KeenWise Not a real guild. 1,691,333 3,797
Zorskog 9032 KeenWise 1,272,868 350
KeenWise    *LIONHEART*
Arvahall 14023 KeenWise *LIONHEART* 970,781 79
KeenWise    DisneyLan
Sinerania 10112 KeenWise DisneyLan 891,606 81
KeenWise    Clan McCloud
Cirgard 11759 KeenWise Clan McCloud 883,635 54
KeenWise    Convoy
Fel Dranghyr 11222 KeenWise Convoy 864,768 60
KeenWise    K.O.C.
Mount Killmore 12265 KeenWise K.O.C. 859,258 81
KeenWise    Maggie's Farm
Rugnir 10390 KeenWise Maggie's Farm 846,778 70
KeenWise    Mθnk3y guild
Dunarsund 12278 KeenWise Mθnk3y guild 814,101 75
KeenWise    Dark Destiny
Houndsmoor 12023 KeenWise Dark Destiny 812,228 50
KeenWise    Valar Morghulis
Noarsil 10406 KeenWise Valar Morghulis 802,122 56
KeenWise    Gotham's Finest
Greifental 11201 KeenWise Gotham's Finest 790,797 38
KeenWise    Fun times
Vingrid 10633 KeenWise Fun times 790,314 48
Yorkton 10521 KeenWise 790,271 73
KeenWise    PeaceKeepers
Parkog 10258 KeenWise PeaceKeepers 780,255 49
East-Nagach 11931 KeenWise 777,996 56
KeenWise    No Rules!
Odhrorvar 10359 KeenWise No Rules! 758,003 65
Jaims 11097 KeenWise 756,531 67
Xyr 11751 KeenWise 752,404 68
KeenWise    Lenten Reflection
Walstrand 10102 KeenWise Lenten Reflection 732,463 72
KeenWise    Tai'shar Manetheren
Brisgard 13492 KeenWise Tai'shar Manetheren 728,473 72
KeenWise    No Rules
Qunrir 10548 KeenWise No Rules 724,990 46
KeenWise    Sleepers of K
Korch 11220 KeenWise Sleepers of K 709,138 73
Tuulech 10336 KeenWise 708,650 51
KeenWise    Sleepers of L
Langendorn 10981 KeenWise Sleepers of L 681,237 49
Uceria 10935 KeenWise 666,640 41