10737 rank

2,135,479 points

1,582 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Masu-Kitteh    The A-TEAM
Vingrid 105 Masu-Kitteh The A-TEAM 1,897,351,251 453,264
Masu-Kitteh    Equinox
Brisgard 10737 Masu-Kitteh Equinox 2,135,479 1,582
Masu-Kitteh    "The Hobby Farmers"
Arvahall 11827 Masu-Kitteh "The Hobby Farmers" 2,117,308 1,404
Masu-Kitteh    Iron Age Dwellers
Angkor 7979 Masu-Kitteh Iron Age Dwellers 2,048,210 1,236