6314 rank

15,554,144 points

18,888 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tresuiri the Nimble    Guardians
Birka 296 Tresuiri the Nimble Guardians 501,891,742 323,439
Tresuiri the Nimble    Obsidian
Houndsmoor 760 Tresuiri the Nimble Obsidian 477,464,679 629,063
Tresuiri the Nimble    US Armed Forces
Vingrid 1933 Tresuiri the Nimble US Armed Forces 124,662,363 296,771
Tresuiri the Nimble    🌭 Free Traders 👙
Jaims 4986 Tresuiri the Nimble 🌭 Free Traders 👙 19,126,923 23,310
Tresuiri the Nimble    Raging Wolves
Brisgard 6314 Tresuiri the Nimble Raging Wolves 15,554,144 18,888
Tresuiri the Nimble    Chaotic Intentions
Walstrand 7108 Tresuiri the Nimble Chaotic Intentions 4,200,395 6,248
Tresuiri the Nimble    Bonzo's
Yorkton 17032 Tresuiri the Nimble Bonzo's 51,577 32