13272 rank

761,567 points

487 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Solotud3    Fortress of
Noarsil 3138 Solotud3 Fortress of 54,966,762 66,688
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
Arvahall 14066 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 933,759 619
Solotud3    Fortress
Cirgard 11564 Solotud3 Fortress 916,316 766
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Angkor 9882 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 763,918 1,125
Solotud3    asdfasdf
Brisgard 13272 Solotud3 asdfasdf 761,567 487
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Dunarsund 14126 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 373,673 354
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
Jaims 12785 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 353,401 385
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
East-Nagach 13803 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 331,653 342
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
Fel Dranghyr 14110 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 233,917 283
Korch 13940 Solotud3 209,489 242
Houndsmoor 15346 Solotud3 206,303 246
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
Greifental 14119 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 195,119 280
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
Langendorn 14297 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 130,164 184
Xyr 16588 Solotud3 107,383 160
Solotud3    Godless Elite
Odhrorvar 14358 Solotud3 Godless Elite 103,734 173
Solotud3    Land of 10,000 Kings
Qunrir 14603 Solotud3 Land of 10,000 Kings 102,632 171
Parkog 14495 Solotud3 102,561 191
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Zorskog 14528 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 95,399 192
Solotud3    GameOfWar
Sinerania 14774 Solotud3 GameOfWar 92,260 140
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Birka 11809 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 83,415 149
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Mount Killmore 18699 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 74,521 155
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Uceria 15453 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 73,132 139
Solotud3    7 Seas
Vingrid 15807 Solotud3 7 Seas 70,459 137
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotud3
Walstrand 14990 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotud3 68,906 149
Tuulech 15217 Solotud3 63,285 131
Solotud3    Americans
Yorkton 16484 Solotud3 Americans 60,891 132
Solotud3    Fortress of Solotude
Rugnir 16036 Solotud3 Fortress of Solotude 57,541 124