2941 rank

81,884,297 points

15,851 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Beazley56    harpooners
Brisgard 2941 Beazley56 harpooners 81,884,297 15,851
Beazley56    Flopping Fish
Mount Killmore 7373 Beazley56 Flopping Fish 8,097,025 2,998
Beazley56    Fragmented Warriors
Cirgard 11319 Beazley56 Fragmented Warriors 1,045,422 1,001
Beazley56    Runners of Fate
Dilmun 4378 Beazley56 Runners of Fate 700,244 104
Beazley56    Fragment Society
Rugnir 10836 Beazley56 Fragment Society 668,743 895
Beazley56    Lionfish
Zorskog 10462 Beazley56 Lionfish 638,609 831
Beazley56    fragment warriors
Yorkton 11080 Beazley56 fragment warriors 607,947 70
Beazley56    BarbariansattheGate
Xyr 12996 Beazley56 BarbariansattheGate 459,311 317
Beazley56    Cool Knights
Sinerania 11602 Beazley56 Cool Knights 424,743 617