6705 rank

13,129,846 points

1,149 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Spraymax    ONYX
Brisgard 6705 Spraymax ONYX 13,129,846 1,149
Spraymax    Nation of all Nation
East-Nagach 6523 Spraymax Nation of all Nation 11,446,412 1,267
Spraymax    Rampart Lions
Mount Killmore 6736 Spraymax Rampart Lions 10,594,639 1,092
Spraymax    Devistation
Birka 3865 Spraymax Devistation 9,193,762 891
Spraymax    Farmer of Trees 🌲
Noarsil 6147 Spraymax Farmer of Trees 🌲 9,183,715 945
Spraymax    Guilds R Us
Langendorn 6335 Spraymax Guilds R Us 8,819,120 895
Spraymax    NASA
Rugnir 6378 Spraymax NASA 7,740,616 948
Spraymax    Trade only
Cirgard 7913 Spraymax Trade only 5,475,105 807
Spraymax    Devereux
Parkog 7108 Spraymax Devereux 4,722,946 1,021
Spraymax    Delta Wolf
Arvahall 11105 Spraymax Delta Wolf 2,903,592 588
Spraymax    dragons bane
Greifental 9292 Spraymax dragons bane 2,056,372 317
Spraymax    Geminox
Houndsmoor 11968 Spraymax Geminox 826,763 324
Spraymax    dead mans gulch
Fel Dranghyr 11734 Spraymax dead mans gulch 687,864 315
Spraymax    The Revengers
Dunarsund 13107 Spraymax The Revengers 571,774 349
Spraymax    Dragonslayer
Odhrorvar 12198 Spraymax Dragonslayer 306,809 228
Spraymax    The Pathfinders
Uceria 12761 Spraymax The Pathfinders 276,232 131
Spraymax    Just Us
Walstrand 16275 Spraymax Just Us 41,031 40