4599 rank

25,865,829 points

18,571 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Sinerania 3561 Louis 793 the Impaler 30,507,621 18,050
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Houndsmoor 4033 Louis 793 the Impaler 30,002,787 18,407
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Cirgard 4078 Louis 793 the Impaler 28,051,112 16,946
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Yorkton 3395 Louis 793 the Impaler 26,879,527 16,787
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Zorskog 3240 Louis 793 the Impaler 25,887,230 17,430
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Brisgard 4599 Louis 793 the Impaler 25,865,829 18,571
Louis 793 the Impaler   
Angkor 4474 Louis 793 the Impaler 11,296,677 8,013