15686 rank

326,615 points

639 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brian of Brueton    Blind Eye
Langendorn 2078 Brian of Brueton Blind Eye 113,194,599 9,242
Brian of Brueton    Advendtures
Uceria 2167 Brian of Brueton Advendtures 104,585,884 10,341
Brian of Brueton    The Shadow Players
Yorkton 1972 Brian of Brueton The Shadow Players 99,876,645 10,571
Brian of Brueton    Coast to Coast
Mount Killmore 2469 Brian of Brueton Coast to Coast 98,021,905 11,506
Brian of Brueton    😴💤😴💤😴💤😴
Dilmun 3740 Brian of Brueton 😴💤😴💤😴💤😴 1,261,324 798
Brian of Brueton    the Hive
Arvahall 15442 Brian of Brueton the Hive 594,453 740
Brian of Brueton    Orion
Odhrorvar 10988 Brian of Brueton Orion 558,464 749
Brian of Brueton    Saepe Gaudens
Angkor 10692 Brian of Brueton Saepe Gaudens 542,492 742
Brian of Brueton    Time Out
Sinerania 11142 Brian of Brueton Time Out 532,597 673
Brian of Brueton    Just Chilling
Birka 8420 Brian of Brueton Just Chilling 489,599 507
Brian of Brueton    QBS Polaris
Brisgard 15686 Brian of Brueton QBS Polaris 326,615 639
Brian of Brueton    Woodlanders
Tuulech 11928 Brian of Brueton Woodlanders 314,645 572
Brian of Brueton    "Oh Well 3"
Cirgard 15635 Brian of Brueton "Oh Well 3" 192,900 544
Brian of Brueton    Hansa
East-Nagach 15892 Brian of Brueton Hansa 136,045 395
Brian of Brueton    RAIDERS=ε/̵͇̿̿/'Ì¿'Ì¿
Fel Dranghyr 16161 Brian of Brueton RAIDERS=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ 97,363 293
Brian of Brueton    scorcerors
Noarsil 16255 Brian of Brueton scorcerors 50,088 47
Brian of Brueton   
Jaims 17362 Brian of Brueton 46,108 25
Brian of Brueton    TheSea
Qunrir 16651 Brian of Brueton TheSea 43,090 155
Brian of Brueton    newbies newbies
Parkog 17005 Brian of Brueton newbies newbies 34,726 43
Brian of Brueton    Grip's Guild on G
Greifental 18560 Brian of Brueton Grip's Guild on G 27,117 109
Brian of Brueton    Daisy Guild
Houndsmoor 20555 Brian of Brueton Daisy Guild 25,097 75
Brian of Brueton    ELDERS
Dunarsund 20829 Brian of Brueton ELDERS 24,865 61