9820 rank

3,306,374 points

7,011 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
john468    spirit of the night
Birka 4322 john468 spirit of the night 6,537,772 8,983
john468    spirit of the night2
Yorkton 6747 john468 spirit of the night2 5,755,642 8,751
john468    spirit of the night
Fel Dranghyr 7731 john468 spirit of the night 5,143,516 8,116
john468    spirit of the night
East-Nagach 8147 john468 spirit of the night 5,041,803 8,607
john468    spirit of the night
Noarsil 7268 john468 spirit of the night 4,782,491 8,456
john468    spirit of the night
Brisgard 9820 john468 spirit of the night 3,306,374 7,011
john468    spirit of the night
Cirgard 9202 john468 spirit of the night 2,873,092 5,474