1565 rank

138,275,482 points

48,067 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euric 954 the Daring    ⚔️Wardens⚔️
Fel Dranghyr 1148 Euric 954 the Daring ⚔️Wardens⚔️ 205,933,462 59,754
Euric 954 the Daring    Polaris
Brisgard 1565 Euric 954 the Daring Polaris 138,275,482 48,067
Euric 954 the Daring    🌟A Higher Kingdom✨
Zorskog 1068 Euric 954 the Daring 🌟A Higher Kingdom✨ 128,069,779 58,873