1437 rank

218,942,735 points

66,336 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euric 954 the Daring    ⚔️Wardens⚔️
Fel Dranghyr 1076 Euric 954 the Daring ⚔️Wardens⚔️ 319,035,229 81,375
Euric 954 the Daring    50 Furry Woodchucks
Zorskog 890 Euric 954 the Daring 50 Furry Woodchucks 234,140,205 104,461
Euric 954 the Daring    Polar Pints 🍻🍺
Brisgard 1437 Euric 954 the Daring Polar Pints 🍻🍺 218,942,735 66,336