68 rank

2,346,538,781 points

675,179 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Boof the Loin King    Andromeda
Brisgard 68 Boof the Loin King Andromeda 2,346,538,781 675,179
Boof the Loin King    by myself
Qunrir 7117 Boof the Loin King by myself 5,266,185 7,994
Boof the Loin King   
Sinerania 7335 Boof the Loin King 4,022,705 6,389
Boof the Loin King   
Uceria 11406 Boof the Loin King 534,917 268
Boof the Loin King   
Dunarsund 16587 Boof the Loin King 141,509 90