16362 rank

249,892 points

1,057 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Juju the Wise    INSIDIOUS
Greifental 6340 Juju the Wise INSIDIOUS 10,384,961 5,886
Juju the Wise    Lancaster Bombers
Zorskog 5383 Juju the Wise Lancaster Bombers 9,524,711 4,878
Juju the Wise    Playing 4 Fun
Houndsmoor 7372 Juju the Wise Playing 4 Fun 7,502,541 5,192
Juju the Wise    Night Shadows
Walstrand 7455 Juju the Wise Night Shadows 3,246,911 4,415
Juju the Wise    Doubledown
Tuulech 8087 Juju the Wise Doubledown 2,448,659 4,075
Juju the Wise    Beto's FoE Guild
Noarsil 8318 Juju the Wise Beto's FoE Guild 2,437,507 3,868
Juju the Wise   
Carthage 6657 Juju the Wise 500,691 2,143
Juju the Wise    Twisted Souls
Yorkton 12511 Juju the Wise Twisted Souls 330,193 1,571
Juju the Wise    Lazytown
Brisgard 16362 Juju the Wise Lazytown 249,892 1,057
Juju the Wise    The 420 Band
Dunarsund 15807 Juju the Wise The 420 Band 197,608 1,073