8793 rank

5,326,509 points

3,379 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Shalgor the warlord    crown royal
Brisgard 8793 Shalgor the warlord crown royal 5,326,509 3,379
Shalgor the warlord    Open grave
Mount Killmore 8983 Shalgor the warlord Open grave 3,704,750 6,159
Shalgor the warlord    Dark Castle
Cirgard 9683 Shalgor the warlord Dark Castle 2,217,094 2,333
Shalgor the warlord    cluster fux
Houndsmoor 10763 Shalgor the warlord cluster fux 1,377,086 1,067
Shalgor the warlord    pyros
Walstrand 8912 Shalgor the warlord pyros 1,319,822 898
Shalgor the warlord    one man army
East-Nagach 10781 Shalgor the warlord one man army 1,251,726 1,102
Shalgor the warlord    Red-Rum
Dunarsund 11466 Shalgor the warlord Red-Rum 1,102,588 1,433
Shalgor the warlord    one man army
Jaims 10279 Shalgor the warlord one man army 1,082,216 861
Shalgor the warlord    bag of bunnys
Korch 10562 Shalgor the warlord bag of bunnys 944,484 902
Shalgor the warlord    blue steel
Fel Dranghyr 11262 Shalgor the warlord blue steel 840,157 1,016
Shalgor the warlord    army of dead
Vingrid 10494 Shalgor the warlord army of dead 831,691 915
Shalgor the warlord    dark alliance
Qunrir 10356 Shalgor the warlord dark alliance 797,196 857
Shalgor the warlord    turkey birds
Langendorn 10713 Shalgor the warlord turkey birds 763,203 967
Shalgor the warlord    dog house
Angkor 9953 Shalgor the warlord dog house 741,183 1,064
Shalgor the warlord    a bunch of decks
Xyr 11770 Shalgor the warlord a bunch of decks 726,174 805
Shalgor the warlord    burning morning wood
Yorkton 10865 Shalgor the warlord burning morning wood 659,918 704
Shalgor the warlord    castle gray skull
Birka 7898 Shalgor the warlord castle gray skull 621,064 716
Shalgor the warlord    Crimson Tides
Zorskog 10903 Shalgor the warlord Crimson Tides 518,948 748
Shalgor the warlord    Seven crowns
Carthage 6740 Shalgor the warlord Seven crowns 478,713 548