4208 rank

30,345,850 points

9,922 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pericles 25 the Strong    AnarchyReigns
Arvahall 3483 Pericles 25 the Strong AnarchyReigns 53,648,642 10,377
Pericles 25 the Strong    New Legion
Langendorn 3469 Pericles 25 the Strong New Legion 33,378,390 14,642
Pericles 25 the Strong    Jade Dragon
Brisgard 4208 Pericles 25 the Strong Jade Dragon 30,345,850 9,922
Pericles 25 the Strong    Lonewolf
Greifental 4029 Pericles 25 the Strong Lonewolf 27,224,872 5,574
Pericles 25 the Strong    Lady of the Lake
Mount Killmore 4215 Pericles 25 the Strong Lady of the Lake 26,931,583 15,976
Pericles 25 the Strong    💚Sweetleaf💚
Qunrir 4256 Pericles 25 the Strong 💚Sweetleaf💚 21,362,373 13,893