9373 rank

4,142,196 points

3,646 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Co Bop    Insidious Midgets
Mount Killmore 2396 Co Bop Insidious Midgets 100,153,198 43,287
Co Bop    The Royal Army
Langendorn 3126 Co Bop The Royal Army 53,934,578 25,653
Co Bop    ⚔️Supremacy Prime⚔️
Yorkton 3445 Co Bop ⚔️Supremacy Prime⚔️ 34,726,675 20,205
Co Bop    Cuckoo's Nest
Birka 2395 Co Bop Cuckoo's Nest 26,403,182 19,446
Co Bop    Looking Glass
Vingrid 4284 Co Bop Looking Glass 24,696,046 16,112
Co Bop    The Gathering
Dilmun 1581 Co Bop The Gathering 15,832,130 12,746
Co Bop    Hanseatic League
Arvahall 6896 Co Bop Hanseatic League 15,685,249 11,956
Co Bop    ARSQ 86
Cirgard 5763 Co Bop ARSQ 86 15,161,791 12,861
Co Bop    Forge Masters Empire
Brisgard 9373 Co Bop Forge Masters Empire 4,142,196 3,646