15120 rank

390,315 points

556 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leo 32 the Builder    ♠️Secret♠️️Society♠️
Mount Killmore 339 Leo 32 the Builder ♠️Secret♠️️Society♠️ 839,328,855 98,810
Leo 32 the Builder    The Iron Born
Angkor 4723 Leo 32 the Builder The Iron Born 11,647,754 8,639
Leo 32 the Builder    Rules of Aquisition
Sinerania 7512 Leo 32 the Builder Rules of Aquisition 3,514,220 4,462
Leo 32 the Builder    GR Diamonds
Birka 6742 Leo 32 the Builder GR Diamonds 1,149,333 1,662
Leo 32 the Builder    Honor thy King
Qunrir 11877 Leo 32 the Builder Honor thy King 406,308 443
Leo 32 the Builder    Vipers
Carthage 6863 Leo 32 the Builder Vipers 395,642 182
Leo 32 the Builder    Diamond Mine
Brisgard 15120 Leo 32 the Builder Diamond Mine 390,315 556
Leo 32 the Builder   
Xyr 15356 Leo 32 the Builder 193,677 417
Leo 32 the Builder   
Rugnir 14752 Leo 32 the Builder 110,458 289