13812 rank

625,367 points

2,253 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Adam the greatest    🏴‍☠️ IRS 🏴‍☠️
Odhrorvar 258 Adam the greatest 🏴‍☠️ IRS 🏴‍☠️ 1,121,183,059 487,779
Adam the greatest   
Uceria 5089 Adam the greatest 15,801,425 10,238
Adam the greatest    Deeez nuts
Qunrir 6268 Adam the greatest Deeez nuts 8,526,533 8,212
Adam the greatest    ♣ TH€ N€ST ♣
Fel Dranghyr 8783 Adam the greatest ♣ TH€ N€ST ♣ 2,854,051 7,615
Adam the greatest    You Dont want none
Angkor 7642 Adam the greatest You Dont want none 2,472,056 8,150
Adam the greatest    Fkkk off
East-Nagach 9847 Adam the greatest Fkkk off 1,978,893 5,301
Adam the greatest    Free loaders
Korch 9320 Adam the greatest Free loaders 1,769,110 7,840
Adam the greatest    anything goes
Walstrand 8898 Adam the greatest anything goes 1,334,204 5,246
Adam the greatest   
Arvahall 14092 Adam the greatest 941,915 3,363
Adam the greatest    Make a wish
Cirgard 11893 Adam the greatest Make a wish 815,021 1,641
Adam the greatest    NO RULES
Brisgard 13812 Adam the greatest NO RULES 625,367 2,253