12684 rank

993,122 points

1,042 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
332481robinhood    FOEplay
Mount Killmore 1312 332481robinhood FOEplay 244,013,960 51,269
332481robinhood    FoePlay
Rugnir 5475 332481robinhood FoePlay 12,601,726 5,397
Qunrir 8474 332481robinhood 2,222,737 979
332481robinhood    Lion Hart
Brisgard 12684 332481robinhood Lion Hart 993,122 1,042
332481robinhood    timeboom
Sinerania 10371 332481robinhood timeboom 763,129 662
332481robinhood    Omega
Cirgard 12355 332481robinhood Omega 695,139 477
332481robinhood    GuildedRoses
Uceria 11115 332481robinhood GuildedRoses 604,984 505
332481robinhood    Man of War
Tuulech 10796 332481robinhood Man of War 557,113 598
332481robinhood    Jedi Knights
Langendorn 12078 332481robinhood Jedi Knights 391,102 405
332481robinhood    Warehouse13
Korch 12809 332481robinhood Warehouse13 354,195 463
332481robinhood    Scallywags
Noarsil 12584 332481robinhood Scallywags 279,796 306
332481robinhood    The Dabberz
Houndsmoor 15911 332481robinhood The Dabberz 172,066 249
332481robinhood    Wisps in the Wind
Parkog 13605 332481robinhood Wisps in the Wind 158,808 116