12563 rank

1,011,634 points

1,206 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mandana 160 the Blessed    Fighting Irish
Odhrorvar 5158 Mandana 160 the Blessed Fighting Irish 14,725,038 5,626
Mandana 160 the Blessed   
Sinerania 9147 Mandana 160 the Blessed 1,398,350 1,421
Mandana 160 the Blessed    ZOMBIELAND
Brisgard 12563 Mandana 160 the Blessed ZOMBIELAND 1,011,634 1,206
Mandana 160 the Blessed    I Am Utterly Alone
Korch 11148 Mandana 160 the Blessed I Am Utterly Alone 724,128 991