6645 rank

13,145,487 points

13,889 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Phooey the Unkind    Iron Whisky
Jaims 194 Phooey the Unkind Iron Whisky 1,462,869,540 314,990
Phooey the Unkind    Night Watch
Sinerania 4421 Phooey the Unkind Night Watch 21,588,092 19,193
Phooey the Unkind    The Outpost
Brisgard 6645 Phooey the Unkind The Outpost 13,145,487 13,889
Phooey the Unkind    💎 Farmers
Zorskog 4872 Phooey the Unkind 💎 Farmers 12,492,386 13,935
Phooey the Unkind    Fenner
Fel Dranghyr 6676 Phooey the Unkind Fenner 8,935,838 11,143