2991 rank

77,209,267 points

16,631 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Duncan the Elder    Galatians
Tuulech 1051 Duncan the Elder Galatians 266,788,624 21,562
Duncan the Elder    Lords Of The Realm
Rugnir 1316 Duncan the Elder Lords Of The Realm 206,516,693 19,209
Duncan the Elder    Open to all
Brisgard 2991 Duncan the Elder Open to all 77,209,267 16,631
Duncan the Elder    7 Deadly Sins 🔥
Jaims 2984 Duncan the Elder 7 Deadly Sins 🔥 60,082,454 22,177
Duncan the Elder    Hanseatic League
East-Nagach 8830 Duncan the Elder Hanseatic League 3,470,089 38
Duncan the Elder   
Korch 9328 Duncan the Elder 1,754,894 23