13705 rank

646,480 points

315 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Phillip the First    Traders 1st
Sinerania 9642 Phillip the First Traders 1st 1,113,622 802
Phillip the First    Traders 1st
Odhrorvar 9818 Phillip the First Traders 1st 1,010,167 726
Phillip the First    Trade Federation
Rugnir 10002 Phillip the First Trade Federation 972,290 837
Phillip the First    The Defiant Ones
Arvahall 15014 Phillip the First The Defiant Ones 677,687 329
Phillip the First    Traders 1st
Cirgard 12479 Phillip the First Traders 1st 657,696 223
Phillip the First    Traders First
Brisgard 13705 Phillip the First Traders First 646,480 315