1839 rank

161,039,215 points

18,553 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
restlessone    Traders of the Ages
Mount Killmore 486 restlessone Traders of the Ages 679,730,504 145,845
restlessone    The Black Company!
Brisgard 1839 restlessone The Black Company! 161,039,215 18,553
restlessone    Gondolin Rising
Houndsmoor 1951 restlessone Gondolin Rising 138,402,467 14,973
restlessone    Tous ensemble!
Odhrorvar 2073 restlessone Tous ensemble! 111,657,172 14,793
restlessone    THE CORNER PUB
Korch 2288 restlessone THE CORNER PUB 102,404,434 10,002