20016 rank

67,166 points

75 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Solobor    Hope of the West
Qunrir 13308 Solobor Hope of the West 212,507 99
Solobor    Hope of the West
Sinerania 13755 Solobor Hope of the West 169,229 56
Solobor    Hope of the West
Dunarsund 18169 Solobor Hope of the West 79,388 55
Solobor    Hope of The West
Brisgard 20016 Solobor Hope of The West 67,166 75
Solobor    Hope of the West
Arvahall 22558 Solobor Hope of the West 60,555 39
Solobor    Hope of the West
Walstrand 16340 Solobor Hope of the West 45,247 52
Solobor    Hope of the West
Rugnir 17133 Solobor Hope of the West 41,776 66
Solobor    Hope of the West
Odhrorvar 16829 Solobor Hope of the West 39,609 39