5139 rank

24,807,000 points

27,417 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brungilda the Unyielding    ILL Gotten Gains
Dunarsund 439 Brungilda the Unyielding ILL Gotten Gains 811,152,381 543,123
Brungilda the Unyielding   
Noarsil 3980 Brungilda the Unyielding 32,077,158 32,163
Brungilda the Unyielding   
Brisgard 5139 Brungilda the Unyielding 24,807,000 27,417
Brungilda the Unyielding   
Angkor 4589 Brungilda the Unyielding 13,561,555 17,376
Brungilda the Unyielding   
Zorskog 5065 Brungilda the Unyielding 11,213,366 11,861