6770 rank

12,410,019 points

4,956 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Peabody the Wise    Artistes Respite
Greifental 1989 Peabody the Wise Artistes Respite 129,621,964 8,529
Peabody the Wise    Quiet and Peaceful
Yorkton 2795 Peabody the Wise Quiet and Peaceful 52,556,789 8,853
Peabody the Wise    Quiet and Peaceful
Fel Dranghyr 4498 Peabody the Wise Quiet and Peaceful 26,766,691 7,504
Peabody the Wise    Quiet and Peaceful
Angkor 3693 Peabody the Wise Quiet and Peaceful 22,363,846 5,992
Peabody the Wise    Quiet and Peaceful
Brisgard 6770 Peabody the Wise Quiet and Peaceful 12,410,019 4,956
Peabody the Wise    Quiet and Peaceful
Dilmun 2663 Peabody the Wise Quiet and Peaceful 4,290,984 2,449