15659 rank

343,903 points

547 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pete4321    fun time Crew
Arvahall 17200 pete4321 fun time Crew 350,953 561
Brisgard 15659 pete4321 343,903 547
pete4321    Spaghetti Monster
Rugnir 12712 pete4321 Spaghetti Monster 327,879 289
pete4321    Empire of the Bored
Noarsil 12805 pete4321 Empire of the Bored 308,856 408
Parkog 12624 pete4321 294,329 288
pete4321    Vets Without Rules
Dunarsund 15446 pete4321 Vets Without Rules 261,599 399
pete4321    Knight's Honor
Xyr 17714 pete4321 Knight's Honor 96,740 78