4614 rank

33,574,655 points

12,194 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kimaloo    Guilded Lilly
Arvahall 4791 Kimaloo Guilded Lilly 40,670,269 14,231
Kimaloo    The Avengers
Yorkton 3374 Kimaloo The Avengers 37,446,827 13,177
Kimaloo    Crimson Pirates
Brisgard 4614 Kimaloo Crimson Pirates 33,574,655 12,194
Kimaloo    Order of the Phoenix
Rugnir 3898 Kimaloo Order of the Phoenix 32,362,365 9,973
Kimaloo    Beware of Nargles ☠️
Cirgard 4405 Kimaloo Beware of Nargles ☠️ 30,932,532 11,166