12500 rank

1,046,833 points

684 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Militia
Arvahall 12121 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Militia 1,867,795 977
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Rhaegal Renegades
Brisgard 12500 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Rhaegal Renegades 1,046,833 684
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Farmer kings
Cirgard 11600 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Farmer kings 914,952 717
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    The Guild
Fel Dranghyr 11131 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver The Guild 882,645 707
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Happy Players
Dunarsund 12435 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Happy Players 741,469 522
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Olde Pharts Gang
Houndsmoor 12403 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Olde Pharts Gang 676,370 625
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    cannabis kingdom
Jaims 12539 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver cannabis kingdom 397,209 464
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Stag
Korch 13025 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Stag 319,737 384
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Dragon Wings
Birka 9486 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Dragon Wings 272,421 369
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    DRAGON WARRIORS
Walstrand 12520 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver DRAGON WARRIORS 225,337 369
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    BLUE ARROW
Yorkton 14081 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver BLUE ARROW 177,211 368
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    New Day Co-Op
Sinerania 14165 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver New Day Co-Op 124,973 235
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver   
Odhrorvar 15860 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver 54,710 69
Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver    Guns n Roses
Noarsil 16646 Cadmus 1078 the Lawgiver Guns n Roses 43,687 159